International Day of Women & Girls in Science
Today is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science – a day to celebrate and to remind one another of the importance of inspiring girls by supporting advancement, fostering inclusive environments and closing the gender gap in science.
We’ve asked women working in scientific fields throughout our global family of companies to offer advice and encouragement for girls and women who are considering careers in science.
Ola Wands
Fish Health Manager
Cooke Scotland
“Just go for it if it’s something you are interested in or passionate about. Careers in science span across so many different sectors, not just aquaculture. Science pushes things forward and ensures you’re constantly learning, you’ll certainly never be bored in your career.”
Emily Sprague
Environmental Affairs Manager
Omega Protein – Reedville, Virginia
“Being eager and engaging can get you far in science. Do not let fear and stereotypes stop you from asking questions, being curious, and bringing a different perspective to the conversation.”
Gerdy Ramakers
Technical Product Developer
Bioriginal Europe / Asia
“Science is a powerful tool for making a real impact. Stay curious, ask questions, and explore different fields to discover what truly ignites your passion. Women bring unique perspectives to science, often leading to groundbreaking discoveries.”
Eliza Peberdy
Tassal Study Director
Hobart, Tasmania
“The world’s mysteries are what makes life so exciting – and science is the key that empowers us to uncover them. If you have a natural curiosity for how things work, I couldn’t recommend a career in science more highly.”
Gladys Ccahuantico
Coordinator of Research and Development
Copeinca – Peru
“To all the girls and women who dream of discovering, innovating, and transforming the world through science: this is your moment.
Science needs your talent, creativity, and passion to tackle the great challenges of our time.Follow your curiosity, ask questions, dare to explore the unknown. Science is for everyone, and your future in it is as vast as your dreams.
Let’s be the change the world needs!” 👩🏻🔬🧬🌎
Helena Van Nieuwenhuyse
Lab assistant
Cooke Europe – Oostende, Belgium
“Science offers a wide range of opportunities to explore, so it is certainly not a must to obtain for instance a PhD before being able to make a difference in our sector. This should certainly not deter anyone from starting a job in science as there are many ways to make a difference.
Looking at the history of science, many women have preceded us and have each been able to make a difference or achieve something in their own time and specialties. They should, therefore, serve as an example for today’s girls and women and certainly for the next generation of girls who are willing to step into science.”
Miko Leavitt
Manager, Buckman’s Creek Hatchery
Pennfield, New Brunswick
“I feel a great sense of responsibility taking care of our fish. They truly are like my babies, and it is incredibly rewarding to help them grow and stay healthy. That’s what a career in science can offer – it can be immensely fulfilling.”
Katiana Frau
Acuicultor Especialista
Mallorca, Spain
“Mi consejo para todas las niñas y mujeres jóvenes que se plantean o inician una carrera en la ciencia es que es normal encontrarse con muchos desafíos, pero al final son las mejores oportunidades que tenemos para aprender, mejorar y fortalecer nuestra determinación.”
“My advice for all the girls and young women who are considering or starting a career in science is that it is normal to encounter many challenges, but in the end, they are the best opportunities we have to learn, improve, and strengthen our determination.”
Eva Mª Castellar Carranza
Técnico de salud
Sagunto (Valencia), Spain
“A lo largo de la historia hemos sido muchas las que nos hemos dedicado a la ciencia. Seguimos avanzando, pero todavía nos queda mucho por explorar. Persigue tus sueños, que nada ni nadie te diga hasta donde puedes llegar.”
“Throughout history, many of us have dedicated ourselves to science. We continue to advance, but there is still much to explore. Follow your dreams, and let no one tell you how far you can go.”
Taylor Follette
Senior Freshwater Technician
Rangeley, Maine
“Be curious and pay attention. There are so many different skillsets that can be applied in science and animal husbandry. It’s really helpful to learn through observations, asking questions and practice.”