November 15, 2021 – Yarmouth, N.S. – Kelly Cove Salmon Ltd. welcomes the opportunity to appear before the Aquaculture Review Board regarding our application for the boundary amendment for Farm AQ1039 located off Rattling Beach in the Annapolis Basin.
The application before the Board is to simply bring all moorings and equipment within the lease boundary on a farm that has been operating at this location since 1994 under the approval of the provincial regulator, Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture. This application represents no change whatsoever in equipment, location, or production increases.
Kelly Cove first applied for this boundary amendment in 2016. At every step of the way, Kelly Cove has complied with the current lease, and today our representatives presented how the company meets all the lease criteria to the ARB. We are optimistic that the Board will approve this boundary amendment, and we look forward to continuing to operate in Digby.
Details on the Aquaculture Review Board and this hearing is available here. As part of Kelly Cove’s opening statement, this video on our operations was shown:

About Cooke Aquaculture’s Salmon Farming Operations in Nova Scotia:
Our goal is to lead global salmon farming science innovations and sustainable best practices. Our relationship with the marine environment is vital to our business and to producing top quality seafood for our customers. As a family-owned company, we aim to continue to farm with care – to ensure long term social, economic, and environmental sustainability. Our salmon farm sites are routinely audited and certified by third party organizations, in addition to inspections by regulators.
The company has been sustainability operating Atlantic salmon farms for over twenty-three years in Nova Scotia and we are proud to employ 205 full time year-round Nova Scotians and support another 240 jobs through spending $51.5 million on goods and services annually from 309 local suppliers.
Our provincial salmon farming generates annual taxation of $7.4 million and consumer spending of $13.7 million. This generates much needed revenues for rural municipalities, and provincial and federal governments to be spent on social programs, healthcare, education, roads, and other services.
Joel Richardson
Vice President, Public Relations
Cooke Inc. / for Kelly Cove Salmon Ltd.
40 Wellington Row, Saint John, NB, Canada E2L3H3
+1 (506) 721-1093 mobile / +1 (506) 694-4900 office